The Chi Xie troops were calmly waiting outside of the city.
At that moment, one guard came back from the government building. He climbed to the top of the gate and looked at the vast and boundless army. He couldn’t help but shake from head to toe.
“Tell him to get over here and apologize for his offense…”
The guard was thinking about these words and they did not sit well in his chest. If he said these words out loud, wouldn’t they just kill him?
“Open your mouth!” said an aggressive voice piercing the guard’s ears. The guard was shaking. Immediately after, he closed his eyes and said: “The Head of the City said that you should go and apologize for your offense.”
When he finished talking, the guard felt as if he had been relieved from a huge burden. But when the other guards heard what he said, they were astonished. They were all shaking from head to toe while thinking about the reaction of the army. How did that arrogant bastard dare to tell the Chi Xie troops such an audacious thing? When the Chi Xie troops heard the words, they started to release an incredible amount of Qi which created a hurricane which rushed towards the city gate. The entire crowd suddenly felt extremely cold.
How cold. That Qi was piercingly-cold, to the extent that it made everyone feel a shiver run down their spines.
Lin Feng, on his Dragon-Colt horse, moved forwards. Na Lan Xiong, was he really this brave?
He was wearing a mask, but under his mask he had an incredibly evil grin. Lin Feng said, in a cold tone: “We have been invited to go to the government building to apologize.”
“Roger.” shouted the troops in unison, which caused panic within the crowd. They brandished their spears and headed towards Yangzhou City .
Lin Feng’s voice wasn’t loud, but when the guards and the crowd heard that the troops were going to the government for an apology, they felt that this was not a good thing for the Na Lan Clan. The young man riding the Dragon-Colt horse was probably their officer. How majestic, he could say a few words and the entire army obeyed him.
The ground started shaking once again. The Chi Xie troops were galloping in perfect harmony which sent terrifying booms through the atmosphere, sounding like thunder. The hearts of the people in the crowd were pounding.
The Chi Xie army transformed into a huge red dragon as it entered Yangzhou City. That huge red dragon seemed like it was flying through the city.
At that moment, the people were panicking. None of them dared to block the way of the Chi Xie troops, everybody was moving aside.
“What a strong and powerful army! Where are they from? Why have they come to Yangzhou City?”
The people of Yangzhou City were asking themselves many questions. When they saw that huge army with their own eyes, they had the feeling that their heart would explode in their chest. They were way too majestic. The Qi they were releasing was so strong that the people in the crowd had the feeling that their legs lost all power. Some of them were completely frozen, not daring to move.
In the government building, the atmosphere was still lively and joyful. People were still merry and drinking.
At that moment, the ground started shaking as if there was an earthquake. The people present at the banquet were suddenly stupefied and frowned.
Immediately after, the noise of the Chi Xie horses galloping became louder and was unceasingly spreading through the atmosphere.
“What’s going on?”
“What the hell is this?”
Each and every single person who was present at the banquet stood up. Their facial expressions growing rigid, that noise was frightening. What was happening outside?