From birth I have a dog as a playmate since childhood. At home I have two dogs named "Tom" and "Joy. Tom is male. Joy is a female.Chubbylovely both.. My mother was named for it. It's a lot of love and remembrance If I saw someone walking through the home page. It will not stop barking until he went out of sight, it will stop barking. Tom and Joy currently still with my family. Every time I have the opportunity to return home on Saturday AND Sunday. Tom and Joy would run far away. Saw shocked me. It leapt to my waist. I was barely defeated. It's hard not to get it dirty. My mother rarely showered it before as a child. I had to give it a bath every time I get back home. Tom and Joy watch as well. Barking bird Barking rat. It barks a female android page. Today, my family is happy with Tom and Joy very much. I love them and they love me. I always pat the head of Tom and Joy said, "wrist”. It extends the leg. And wagging tail. I love Tom and Joy as much as they are animals but I always thought that they were the only family to me.