This is to provide directions on the samples we will go with for the 3rd Leg of the FIZZ Workshop (FGD).
I was able to align already with Judah, Reymund and Fabien:
• We can test up 2 sets of samples.
As we have tasted during the Regional Innovation Workshop, all flavor directions are tasting good.
To maximize our learning, I recommend that we proceed with 1 profile that is representing Coke and 1 profile that is representing Fanta.
o Sample #1: Lemon (Outer) + Cola (Inner)
o Sample #2: Strawberry (Outer) + Orange (Inner) Fabien, sorry it was actually “Strawberry + Orange” (not Strawberry + Lemon) which I really liked.
o We would require 40 samples of each
• Let’s still keep the current shark shape.
We will check during the FGDs if the kids find that our shark shaped ice cream is meeting their shape expectation.
• Coming from the feedback from the Regional Innovation Workshop, let’s look at solutions on how to have the FIZZ sensation experienced much earlier (nearer to the tip).
I think we are considering having the minimum allowable thickness for the outer core shell at the tip.
We will also check during the FGDs if the kids find that the ice cream delivered to the concept promise of FIZZ.
Hope this clear. Just email me if you need to clarify anything. Happy to have a discussion.
Please also advise me and Reymund when is the earliest time we can have the samples in Indo.
I think you mentioned about including this in the regular product shipment to Indo.