The report Korean rice wine conducted by four students from the Hanze University of Groningen. The four members were assigned to develop a feasibility study of importing a foreign product to the Netherlands.
Background and rationale
After received assignments from teachers. We have consulted and assign tasks to each person. Using technology Facebook to share data with each other. On the week we will learn more from the EBP2 class. The instructor will introduce various methods of making reports. After that, we had coach meeting every week. To recommend, check the progress of the report and consultation.
We focus on how to import the Korean rice wine into the Netherlands. The four members studying about Marketing, Supply chains, research, accounting and report writing. Most of the statistical data comes from reliable statistical websites
Also, we aimed the population in the Netherlands are love to drink alcohol in various opportunities, whether it be a party, cerebrate, games, etc. However, Korean rice wine it's alcohol (6-8%) that means for the people who have age rather than the 18 that can drink because of the laws of the Netherlands very strictly. For gender, all you can drink, but very popular for a lady as it is a soft alcohol and, for cosmetic you can use the Korean rice wine to be marked for detox your face and get brightening
Finally, the report will not complete if we don't learn about Dutch customers like? So, we knew how to create the questionnaire (from ARS1 class) and, we adapted how doing it and used it for more details in the report. We can see that, Korean rice wine is the one product that is very interesting in the world and easily to do marketing with new technologies and social networks.