Although repetition of favorite activities has a moderate effect
upon computer game addiction, flow experience, the emotional
state embracing perceptional distortion and enjoyment
shows a strong impact on addiction in Taiwanese players (15).
Responses of computer game players in Taiwan have qualitatively
reflected their psychological needs and motivations in
daily life, but also to the interplay of real self and virtual self,
compensatory, or extensive satisfaction for their needs and selfreflections
(16). Social relationships and the specific time and
flexibility characteristics (“easy-in, easy-out”) in multiplayer
browser games have been suggested as the main cause for enjoyment
in Germany (17). Game and internet addictions are also
connected with interpersonal relationship patterns (18). Competition,
in contrast, seems to be less important for browser gamers
than for users of other game types. There is only weak evidence
for the assumption that aggressive behavior is associated with
excessive gaming (9). Excessive computer game playing could
result in deficient visual-spatial ability (19).