Joseph and Joseph (1998, 2000) have combined the factors of institutional information and the influences
of family and peer as an independent variable, and named as general. As a matter of fact, there are several
related studies that have found out the influence of family and friends playing a main role on student
choice of higher education in Asian perspective. Pimpa (2003) pointed out that family as the most
influencing factor on Thai students’ choices of international education. Besides, the influence of family
and friends are shaping intention of Taiwanese to study abroad (Chen and Zimitat, 2006). Moreover,
McMahon (1992), Mazzarol and Soutar (2002) cited recommendations from friends and relatives as
important influences as the “push” factors in motivating student destination choice for students from
Taiwan, India, China and Indonesia. Therefore, we may conclude that influence of family and friends
play a principle factor in student’s choice of higher education. Thus, it is proposed that the influence of
family and friends is a significant independent variable in the framework of the multi-attribute model
which has been adopted in this study.