From the outside it appears to be the castle, he thought. But they hadn’t only taken all of the coins, no, they had cleared out the entire basement. They took all of the clothes and didn’t even leave behind a single corn in the grain storage. The several frescoes hanging on the walls were also all taken, leaving only blank walls behind. There were no longer any books in the bookcases and they also hadn’t forgotten to take the bed from the Lord’s bedroom either. In short, the whole castle had been stripped clean.
Was this something that was done in a hasty retreat? Frances gradually became more uneasy. If this hadn’t been planned out from the start, the castle wouldn’t have been cleared so thoroughly.
Right at the moment he wanted to go to the City Hall to see if was the same situation over there, a thick smoke suddenly began to emerge through the North Gate.
“What’s the matter, is something burning?”
“I do not know, Your Excellency, I have already ordered Moliere to go and take a look,” the Captain of his guard answered. “Perhaps it’s a fire that has been deliberately set by the enemy.”
Yes, that must be the case. The Duke’s first thought was that this all was a trap, but then he realized that this method of setting the gates on fire was meaningless. After all, they could easily bypass the gates, they only had to cross the slope and then they were already outside. Setting something on fire, without any additional attack was meaningless, after all, an organized team wouldn’t need much time to put the fire out.
The correct use of this tactic would be to set up soldiers at the inner side of the walls, who would wait until the fire had expanded all over the city, and then when the enemy’s troops started to panic that would be the time for their own surprise attack to start. If it was it’s done like this, it can easily disrupt the enemy’s formation, maybe even force them to retreat. But as he had said before, with no one to operate the trap, it was meaningless.
At this moment, out of the direction of the three other gates black smoke also began to emerge. And when he looked back at the fire at the North Gate he could see that it was spreading at much too fast a rate; as if the whole surroundings had been filled with straw. It didn’t take long until the first cries from the civilians could be heard, indicating that some of their houses were already lit.
This can’t be right… Duke Frances thought, the fire is coming from the north gate, but there was nothing with which to feed the fire, there was only an open space! But if there was nothing, how can the fire spread so fast? Wait… suddenly a horrifying thought popped up within his mind, could it be that Garcia Wimbledon had secretly recruited a witch?
Frances reassuringly touched the God’s Stone of Retaliation which hung around his neck, calming quickly beating heart. Hopefully, it is only a fire ignited by a witch, as long as that is the case I can directly walk through it. After all, with this stone that demonic fire simply cannot hurt me. And furthermore each member of my personal guards is also wearing this thing, so this fire can’t threaten us at all. As for the freedmen, who have no money to donate to the church, I just don’t have the time to attend to them.
Regardless of the fact that he possessed such a stone, the city had still become dangerous, so he decided to flee to the war camp at the South Gate. From there he could not only monitor Eagle City, but also wait for the new King to return with the cavalry. When he thought his next steps through, he immediately gave the Captain of his guards the command: “We will leave the city through the South Gate, during the ride you will blow the horn to gather all of our troops.”
“As you command!”
Everyone immediately went on their way, but when their group came near the South Gate, the flames had begun to cover the whole city, already setting many civilian houses on fire. The heat emitting from the fire became so hot that they were forced to retreat. In addition, the commoners who were originally hiding inside their houses behind closed doors, were now on the streets and fleeing from the flames. Crowding the whole streets with people. They became so many, that even the sword swinging knights were unable to move forward. There was nothing which would help against this panic stricken people fleeing to the only open space available which wasn’t burning yet. At this moment it seemed as if everything would be consumed by the surrounding flames and smoke.
“Everyone calm down; we have to get to the well. From it we can draw water to fight this fire,” Duke Frances quickly gave some orders, “Don’t try to save the houses, they are out of control. Just extinguish the burning obstacles on the streets, so that we get a path out of the city. Don’t stop the horn signal, let other people know where we are!”
“Sir!” shouted a knight who came from the direction of the city center. The knight di
จากภายนอก เพื่อ ปราสาทเขาคิด แต่พวกเขาไม่เพียงนำทั้งหมดของเหรียญ ไม่ พวกเขาได้จนหมดทั้งชั้นใต้ดิน พวกเขาเอาเสื้อผ้าทั้งหมด และไม่ได้ทิ้งข้าวโพดแบบเดียวในการจัดเก็บข้าว จิตรกรรมฝาผนังหลายที่แขวนอยู่บนผนังยังทั้งหมดถ่าย ทิ้งผนังที่ว่างเปล่าเท่านั้น ไม่มีหนังสือใด ๆ ในตู้หนังสือ และพวกเขายังไม่ลืมที่จะใช้เตียงนอนของพระเจ้าอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง ในระยะสั้น ปราสาททั้งหมดได้ถูกปล้นสะอาดนี้เป็นสิ่งที่ทำในผ่อนเร่งด่วน ฟรานเซสค่อย ๆ กลายเป็นไม่สบายใจมากขึ้น ถ้านี้ไม่ได้ถูกวางแผนออกจากการเริ่มต้น ปราสาทจะไม่ได้รับการล้างเพื่อให้สะอาดอยู่ในขณะนี้เขาต้องการไปที่ศาลากลางเพื่อดูว่า สถานการณ์เดียวกันโน่น ควันหนาก็เริ่มที่จะออกผ่านประตูเหนือ"เป็นอะไร คือสิ่งที่เผาไหม้"ไม่ทราบ เอ็กเซลเลนซี่ของคุณ ผมได้แล้วสั่ง Moliere และดู กัปตันของเขายามตอบ "บางทีมันเป็นไฟที่มีการจงใจตั้ง โดยศัตรู"ใช่ ที่ต้องเป็นกรณีที่ ความคิดแรกของ Duke คือ ว่า ทั้งหมดนี้เป็นกับดัก แต่แล้ว เขาตระหนักว่า วิธีการตั้งค่าประตูไฟหมดความหมาย พวกเขาได้อย่างง่ายดายสามารถข้ามประตู พวกเขาเพียงต้องข้ามลาดแล้ว พวกเขามีอยู่แล้วภายนอก การตั้งค่าสิ่งที่ไฟไหม้ โดยไม่ต้องโจมตีใด ๆ เพิ่มเติมความหมาย ทีมงานผู้จัดไม่จำเป็นมากเวลาดับไฟThe correct use of this tactic would be to set up soldiers at the inner side of the walls, who would wait until the fire had expanded all over the city, and then when the enemy’s troops started to panic that would be the time for their own surprise attack to start. If it was it’s done like this, it can easily disrupt the enemy’s formation, maybe even force them to retreat. But as he had said before, with no one to operate the trap, it was meaningless.At this moment, out of the direction of the three other gates black smoke also began to emerge. And when he looked back at the fire at the North Gate he could see that it was spreading at much too fast a rate; as if the whole surroundings had been filled with straw. It didn’t take long until the first cries from the civilians could be heard, indicating that some of their houses were already lit.This can’t be right… Duke Frances thought, the fire is coming from the north gate, but there was nothing with which to feed the fire, there was only an open space! But if there was nothing, how can the fire spread so fast? Wait… suddenly a horrifying thought popped up within his mind, could it be that Garcia Wimbledon had secretly recruited a witch?Frances reassuringly touched the God’s Stone of Retaliation which hung around his neck, calming quickly beating heart. Hopefully, it is only a fire ignited by a witch, as long as that is the case I can directly walk through it. After all, with this stone that demonic fire simply cannot hurt me. And furthermore each member of my personal guards is also wearing this thing, so this fire can’t threaten us at all. As for the freedmen, who have no money to donate to the church, I just don’t have the time to attend to them.
Regardless of the fact that he possessed such a stone, the city had still become dangerous, so he decided to flee to the war camp at the South Gate. From there he could not only monitor Eagle City, but also wait for the new King to return with the cavalry. When he thought his next steps through, he immediately gave the Captain of his guards the command: “We will leave the city through the South Gate, during the ride you will blow the horn to gather all of our troops.”
“As you command!”
Everyone immediately went on their way, but when their group came near the South Gate, the flames had begun to cover the whole city, already setting many civilian houses on fire. The heat emitting from the fire became so hot that they were forced to retreat. In addition, the commoners who were originally hiding inside their houses behind closed doors, were now on the streets and fleeing from the flames. Crowding the whole streets with people. They became so many, that even the sword swinging knights were unable to move forward. There was nothing which would help against this panic stricken people fleeing to the only open space available which wasn’t burning yet. At this moment it seemed as if everything would be consumed by the surrounding flames and smoke.
“Everyone calm down; we have to get to the well. From it we can draw water to fight this fire,” Duke Frances quickly gave some orders, “Don’t try to save the houses, they are out of control. Just extinguish the burning obstacles on the streets, so that we get a path out of the city. Don’t stop the horn signal, let other people know where we are!”
“Sir!” shouted a knight who came from the direction of the city center. The knight di
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