The most organize room in my house is where I live. My room is a very cheerful place for me; it has a balcony which gives me a great outlook of sunny and rainy weathers, a wash room, a bed, a personal computer and a cabin for keeping my clean cloths. I tried to keep my room clean and organize most of the time. Often I take a cup of coffee and enjoyed it at the balcony. My room is very quiet and that is why most of my complex works are done in here. Although I do not like the color of my room, it is pale white with few dark spots on it. In addition, I have a large stand fan in the middle of my room, which I do appreciate but do not like; because it gives an ugly point of view towards my room. However, all of my friends like my room and esteemed me for keeping it clean and organized. In the weekend, few of my friends came over and stayed in my room for a long time. In that meantime, we watch movies, eat snacks and chat about life pursuits. Subsequently merging all pros and cons, I really love and admire my room for giving me the most satisfaction in my life.