Thermodynamic data for MOC system were all collected from the
critically reviewed literatures. Most of the data were from H-M-W
[24] and the Blanc [17] cement database at 25 °C except for
Mg3(OH)5Cl · 4H2O, whose thermodynamic datawere taken fromsolubility
experiments conducted by Xiong [25]. The data were rewritten
in the form recognised by PHREEQC [18]. Thermodynamic properties
of solid phases and H2O are shown in Table 1. Reactions included in
reacting MOC system are shown in Table 2. Properties of aqueous species
were modeled by using Pitzer equation in the form presented by
Harvie, Møller and Weare [24] and the Pitzer interaction parameters
were all taken from H-M-Wdatabase
3. Results and discussion