increase SBP. However, this study did not consider many probable confounders. In our study, DBP was higher in groups 2 and 3 than in the control group, but this difference was not significant. In a study by Egeland et al. (16) involving
410 male textile workers, 165 of whom were exposed and 245 not exposed to carbon disulphide (CS2), SPB
was not affected by exposure but diastolic blood pressure was. Kaukiainen et al. (12) studied 26 workers with chronic exposure to organic solvents and 19 unexposed volunteer workers. After adjusting for confounding factors such as age, sex, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and BMI, SBP turned out to be significantly higher in the exposed workers,
suggesting that lifetime exposure to organic solvents can increase systolic blood pressure. In our study, the prevalence of pre-hypertension
and hypertension was significantly higher in the
exposed groups (2 and 3) compared to the control
Regression analysis with eliminating confounding
factors confi rmed the correlation between hypertension
and exposure to a mixture of solvents. Compared to
the group with no exposure, the odds ratio (OR) for
hypertension was 3.00 in the group with exposure
above the permitted level, and 2.36 in the group with
exposure within the permitted range.
increase SBP. However, this study did not consider many probable confounders. In our study, DBP was higher in groups 2 and 3 than in the control group, but this difference was not significant. In a study by Egeland et al. (16) involving410 male textile workers, 165 of whom were exposed and 245 not exposed to carbon disulphide (CS2), SPBwas not affected by exposure but diastolic blood pressure was. Kaukiainen et al. (12) studied 26 workers with chronic exposure to organic solvents and 19 unexposed volunteer workers. After adjusting for confounding factors such as age, sex, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and BMI, SBP turned out to be significantly higher in the exposed workers,suggesting that lifetime exposure to organic solvents can increase systolic blood pressure. In our study, the prevalence of pre-hypertensionand hypertension was significantly higher in theexposed groups (2 and 3) compared to the controlgroup.Regression analysis with eliminating confoundingfactors confi rmed the correlation between hypertensionand exposure to a mixture of solvents. Compared tothe group with no exposure, the odds ratio (OR) forhypertension was 3.00 in the group with exposureabove the permitted level, and 2.36 in the group withexposure within the permitted range.
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