Using something different conveys a message about you and a willingness to be unconventional. If that’s what you want to communicate, and you feel confident to do it, go ahead. Nevertheless, around 90% of presentations are made using good old PowerPoint.
So my advice is this: until you are very confident in presenting, stick to the standard medium. It’s what audiences are used to if you follow some basic rules about how to construct your presentation (which we’re about to come on to) you can make it work well for you.
There’s one concept to give some thought to, however, before we start getting words and images down on the page.
“If your words or images are not relevant, making them dance in color won’t make them more relevant.” Edward Tufte (Yale professor)
1.10 Use the Power of Three
There is a certain magic about the number three.
There seems to be no rational explanation why: it’s just out there in so many ways that we simply cannot ignore it.
Western society has been influenced by the ultimate trinity; The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. When Cicero was perfecting the art of oratory in Ancient Rome, the Latin phrase ‘omne trium perfectum’ was key – meaning ‘everything that comes in threes is perfect.’ Lincoln said in his Gettysburg address, “A government by the people, for the people, and of the people.”
There. That was in threes. It’s just more persuasive, isn’t it? And here are a few more examples.