The audit report should include the following:
1. Audit method used and the scope of the audit.
2. A report on the unannounced visit clearly stating the purpose of the visit, the office visited, the date for the visit, and the auditor’s opinion; The report must be submitted to Caritas Danmark, not later than two weeks after conducting the visit;
3. A statement declaring that all information and documentation needed to complete the audit has been made available as required.
4. Declaration that the required audit standards that have been applied.
5. Distribution and use of the audit report.
6. Formal Opinion.
7. The period covered by the report.
8. Cash flow statement covering the project implementation period (1 January – 31 December 2016).
9. Statement of receipts and expenditures covering the project implementation period (1 January – 31 December 2016).
10. Project income table by source of funding
11. The balance at the end of the implementation period.
12. An assessment of the project’s internal control system, including recommendations on how to resolve possible weaknesses.
13. Statement on the project’s follow up on any recommendations following the unannounced visit.
The auditor should submit a letter to the management at the completion of the audit. The management letter should include recommendations to address any weaknesses identified with regards to financial management, the internal control system, the project assets, adherence to contract conditions (if applicable) and the effective use of financial resources.
The audit report shall be written in English.