Physico-chemical properties of PO-DAGE/POL-DAGE binary
blends were investigated to clarify the intricate interactions
between DAG-enriched oils, which is critical for the exploration
of possible interaction mechanism and the development of DAGenriched
functional products. The results revealed that DAGenriched
blends despite containing 50% DAG were detected to
show higher SMP and SFC values compare to original blends.
Based on iso-solid diagrams and phase diagrams, the binary mixture
of PO-DAGE/POL-DAGE displayed a better compatibility in
contrast with corresponding PO/POL blends. DSC thermal profiles
illustrated that the melting and crystallization behaviors of PODAGE/POL-DAGE
were distinctly different from corresponding
original blends. Additionally, all PO-DAGE/POL-DAGE blends displayed
rather higher crystallization rates compared to PO/POL
and showed no spherulitic crystal growth at all measurement
temperatures. From the results of photomicrograph, PO-DAGE/
POL-DAGE blends exhibited more order and dense crystal morphology
with very small needle-like crystals than PO/POL. The
overall analysis indicated that PO-DAGE:POL-DAGE at 90%:10%
and 70%:30% (wt/wt) were more appropriate for application in
bakery shortening, which could be novel and attractive functional
plastic fats