1. The Initial set up button helps to adjust the apparatus to be in the magnetic meridian. The apparatus to do the experiment will be fully active only after doing the preliminary adjustment.
2. A zoomed view of the compass box will be displayed then. Then the slider Rotate compass box will be active. Using this slider, make the 90-90 of the compass box parallel to the plane of the coil.
3. If this adjustment is correct, the Rotate apparatus slider will become active. Then adjust the slider to make the aluminium pointer reads 0-0.
4. Now the preliminary adjustments are over. Then go to the whole apparatus set up using the Show normal button provided in the simulator.
5. Make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram provided in the simulator. The connection wires will appear when a hand symbol appears at the terminals of each component.
6. When the connections are over, the Insert key button will be active, which enables the user to close the circuit.
7. Using the combo box Number of turns of the coil, one can select the desired T.G with different number of turns.
8. The slider Radius of the coil enables one to change the radius of the coil. Then, the current in the coil is adjusted using the slider Adjust rheostat. The corresponding current will be displayed in the ammeter.
9. For a particular value of current, note the readings on the compass box. The button Zoom Compass Box in the simulator enables the user to view the zoomed view of the compass box. Then reverse the direction of the current through the circuit using the Reverse Current button. Note down the readings.
10. Repeat the same for different values of current. Then calculate the reduction factor of the tangent galvanometer using the equations provided in the procedure.
11. To check the obtained result, a Show Result option is provided. On clicking this button, the result will be displayed.
12. Reset button enables the user to reset the whole experimental set up.