We received Plant which they reverted that there are minimum values are given on the CoA, the regulations have these as minimum limits ( there are no maximum limits).
The CoA shows the specification and the minimum required, so as long as the % w/w is above the minimum value then the CoA’s and product are within specification. The minimum values are the lower limit.
The value has a tolerance of ±20% of the value stated e.g. 1.00 % w/w could be in fact between 0.80 % w/w to 1.20 % w/w. Just so happens that the minimum amount stated on the CoAs is this -20% limit.”
According to plant, the attach CoA’s are fine which they have the limit on there, there is only a lower limit.
According to EEC regulation for exportation, the deviation of -20% is that lower limit . And those lower limits or minimum values are 20% lower than the specification.
Hence, these COA result is above the minimum value, the specification on the CoA is fine.
In scientific terms, the accuracy of the results deviates by 20% at these low percentages. As percentages specs rise, the accuracy level drops from 20% deviation to 0.4% deviation.