To include social responsibility in a corporate culture and maintain commitment, the best
approach is to embed it into the company’s vision, mission, and values. The mission, vision, and values do not need to be written as long as they are understood by employees of the company. The realization that organizations are part of a much larger system i.e. the society and the environment; needs to start at the top, so that employees take it seriously.17
Starting with mission and its requirement may be the first lesson business can learn from
successful nonprofits. As a rule, nonprofits are more money-conscious than business enterprises
are. They talk and worry about money much of the time because it is hard to raise funds and
because they always have so much less of it than they need. But nonprofits do not base their
strategy on money, nor they make it the center of their plans, as so many corporate executives
do. The businesses start their planning with financial returns. The nonprofits start with the
performance of their mission.18
Mission can be defined in simple terms as your company’s reason for being, that expresses the
business your company is in, and second, your company’s basic purpose. The first dimension is
relatively dynamic, while the second is more enduring. A company that determines its mission
broadly and fundamentally can endure for decades, or even hundreds of years.19 The act of
defining, understanding, and communicating your mission is critical to the success of your brand,
both internally and externally.20
Inspired by a famous principle of Charles Handy, we symbolize a company’s mission with a
doughnut.21 The doughnut principle basically says that life is like an inverted doughnut, in which
the hole is on the outside and the dough is in the middle. In the doughnut view of life, the core is
fixed and the bounded space around the core is flexible. The company’s mission is the core which
cannot be changed. The operations of the company are flexible but should be aligned with the
To include social responsibility in a corporate culture and maintain commitment, the best
approach is to embed it into the company’s vision, mission, and values. The mission, vision, and values do not need to be written as long as they are understood by employees of the company. The realization that organizations are part of a much larger system i.e. the society and the environment; needs to start at the top, so that employees take it seriously.17
Starting with mission and its requirement may be the first lesson business can learn from
successful nonprofits. As a rule, nonprofits are more money-conscious than business enterprises
are. They talk and worry about money much of the time because it is hard to raise funds and
because they always have so much less of it than they need. But nonprofits do not base their
strategy on money, nor they make it the center of their plans, as so many corporate executives
do. The businesses start their planning with financial returns. The nonprofits start with the
performance of their mission.18
Mission can be defined in simple terms as your company’s reason for being, that expresses the
business your company is in, and second, your company’s basic purpose. The first dimension is
relatively dynamic, while the second is more enduring. A company that determines its mission
broadly and fundamentally can endure for decades, or even hundreds of years.19 The act of
defining, understanding, and communicating your mission is critical to the success of your brand,
both internally and externally.20
Inspired by a famous principle of Charles Handy, we symbolize a company’s mission with a
doughnut.21 The doughnut principle basically says that life is like an inverted doughnut, in which
the hole is on the outside and the dough is in the middle. In the doughnut view of life, the core is
fixed and the bounded space around the core is flexible. The company’s mission is the core which
cannot be changed. The operations of the company are flexible but should be aligned with the
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