To accomplish the above in the requirements definition phase
you should:
• Identify and consult stakeholders to determine their
• Analyze requirements to detect and correct conflicts (mainly,
differences between requirements and expectations) and
determine priorities.
• Identify system bounds and how the system should interact with
its environment.
• Convert user requirements into system requirements (e.g., an
interactive user interface prototype that demonstrates the screen
look and feel).
• Record requirements in a structured format. Historically,
requirements have been recorded in a written requirements
specification, possibly supplemented by some schematic
models. Commercial requirements management tools now are
available that allow requirements and related information to be
stored in a multiuser database.
• Verify that requirements are complete, consistent, unambiguous,
verifiable, modifiable, testable and traceable. Because of the
high cost of rectifying requirements' problems in downstream
development phases, effective requirements reviews have a
large payoff.
* Resolve conflicts between stakeholders.
• Resolve conflicts between the requirements set and the
resoiurces that are available.