Over a decade Internet has made a significant impact in
our economy and society by bringing in remarkable
networking infrastructure and communication. In global
information and media sharing, World Wide Web has
been a major driver. Internet is continuing to become
more persistent, with the arrival of wireless broadband
connectivity at low cost. Advancement in technology
related to data collection, such as embedded devices
and RIFD technology had led to increase in number of
devices that are connected to the net and transmit the
data continuously. The continuation of this trend is
poised to evolve as an “Internet of Things” where the
web will provide a medium for objects to become
interactive. Although much of the work has done today
on Internet of Things (IOT), it has been facing many
challenges in the real time environment. The
implementation of IOT is essential for the developing
countries. The techniques for the application of IOT
need to be developed rapidly. An overview of internet
of things is illustrated below and also gives the brief
description about the applications and challenges faced
by the IOT.