After Weed left the Elder’s house, he walked around the Morata Village and gathered information. The villagers and Freya’s Paladins and Priests became his goal. The Freya’s Priests had remained in Morata Village in order to protect it.
For now, Weed was gathering supplies for the journey and was asking the storeowners about information on the Sendeim Valley.
“Sendeim Valley? It’s a place that became better known as the Valley of Death. They say that there are a lot of monsters there.”
“Can you tell me what kind of monsters?”
“Hmm... There will probably be some Ice Trolls. The Ice Trolls often gather in places like the Valley of Death.”
Ice Troll!
They have an amazing ability to regenerate health, and since their ability to use the extreme cold is great, they are not easy monsters to fight against.
However, Weed would not cower at this level of danger.
Whatever the case, they could hunt the Ice Trolls by luring them one at a time as long as it was a valley and not a dungeon. It might take a long time, but using bait to lure them one by one and beating them was not an impossible task.
Of course, there would probably some viciously strong ones, but since that was a daily occurrence, they had no reason to fear.
‘Ice Troll blood sells for a lot. It offers better effects than most common medicinal herbs, and it can also be used to make potions.’
Weed, who tried to estimate a value for everything!
He was not scared of strong monsters; he was scared of monsters that only dropped leather. In fact, he found nothing to be as horrific as a monster that dropped only cheap leathers.
‘If it’s a valley, the landmarks will be extremely important.’
If you could shoot an arrow from one side of the valley to the other, it could turn out to be a much easier hunt than expected.
However, if the Ice Trolls dominated the upper portion of the valley and expanded their territory, then it may be much more challenging.’
Weed had no information on their territory.
A mission to recapture the monster’s domain!
There was no other way besides having an effective siege.
The situation was different than fighting the True Blood Vampire Clan with Alveron and a few Freya's Paladins in the past.
Back then, the number of vampires was small, and there wasn't a feeling of a siege.
Even though Weed used different words to ask the residents, he received the same information.
“If you’re looking for the Valley of Death, it’s quite far from here. At best, it’ll take 1 month of travel. Why does it take so long to get there? That’s because the Niflheim Empire’s territory is vast.”
“Ice Troll? Of course, there should be some Ice Trolls. However, it’s not only the monsters you need to be wary of. This is a story I heard from my grandfather, but there is supposed to be a treasure storehouse in there. That’s why there will be much more dangerous hazards.
Monsters and the chances of dying to the myriad of traps!
“They say that some kind of terrible feeling spills out from there every morning. Due to that, even some flora cannot grow near the Valley of Death.”
“There have been people who also spotted something that was pure white and flying around near the Valley of Death.”
“I don’t know very well, but they say that the flying thing was enormous. They say that the body alone was over 300 meters long. Since it’s so unbelievable the people who saw it must have mistaken the length.”
The Freya's Paladins also had something to say.
“The Valley of Death? That place is very dangerous. Monsters other than Ice Trolls also gather there.”
“From the church’s investigation, it seems likely that it’s a place that’s congested with monsters.”
“Given how many monsters gather there, no matter who saw it they would say that it could only be an unusual situation. There must be a boss monster leading the others. It can’t be a normal monster since it has been leading the other monsters for several hundreds of years, so you must pay extra care. It would behoove you to avoid the boss monster at all costs.”
“Since the blessing of the Goddess Freya is with you, may your courage remain unfaltering.”
As Weed was gathering the information, he got a general picture of the situation in the Valley of Death.
The Paladins from the Church of Freya usually did not falter over typical matters.
If these Paladins were wary enough of this boss monster to be frightened, then there was no doubt that it was a very high level.
‘It probably won’t be easy.