To all Adam's friends and my friends please be informed that Adam is okay right now. It's was risky for him to have DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) which could cause immediate death. It's risky because his grandma got that when she was 40, the DVT was found in her lung... This is a lesson learn for Adam and all of the travelers ... You gotta be careful whether you sit on the plane, train, bus or whatever vehicle for many hours... You gotta change your legs position in every one or two hours... This DVT is also known as "Economy Class Syndrome" or "Business Class Syndrome"... The story given by Dr.Sophon (the Vein Specialist for Adam today) said that there was an Australian athlete traveled from Australia to Heathrow airport... And she kept sitting at the same position for hours ... Once she got up her black clot immediately exploded and moved up to her lung and continued to the her heart... She immediately passed out at the airport!!! We all gotta be careful for this. But I would like to thank to everyone who concerned about Adam ... He will get better and back to normal soon!! Thanks to all.
P.s. Thai doctors are pretty awesome!!!!!