It can be difficult to see how we got to this point. However, based on research and data, this isn’t working. Sure, we have a few kids that get it and move on, but so many students are left behind when participating on this fast track to learning. We have to remember these are just children. In a sense, we are ruining their childhood. Children just want to experience and play. Where is that in the classroom? Where are the hands-on activities? Where are the fun art projects and songs to help them learn? Why is everything so structured around lecture and worksheets? These are some of the questions that helped to stem research in this particular area. A handful of parents with students in Kindergarten or first grade were asked some of these same questions. Each one of them stated concern for their child saying, “I just don’t know how he will learn all of this material”, or “We never had this large of a workload when we were in school and we turned out just fine”. Are these parents right? Are we pushing something on these kids that isn’t even necessary?