Those who do not favour an entrepreneurship discipline are becoming less vocal in their opposition than in the past. As new managerial programs are developed in a variety of topical areas, including tourism, food service and hospitality, and cross-listed business courses, the specific arguments against it carry less weight. What does remain is the lingering argument that much of what is applied in the process of entrepreneurship includes material that much of what is applied in the process of entrepreneurship includes material that overlaps in other course. In the early days, a number of larger universities claimed that the functions of management-planning, organizing, controlling-are very much evident in entrepreneurship and need not be treated as a uniquely different discipline. The debate did not recognize two critically important features of an entrepreneur. First, there is the role that creativity plays in entrepreneurship. Here it is the new concept, invention or innovation, that literally takes charge of the entrepreneur, that is ignored in the discussion. Second, there is the vision that goes along with the new concept-the dream