muzzle is a sport native of Thailand since ancient times. Thailand has a way of playing ball, playing five types.
1. muzzle kick the ball or not. Played by each team in a circle kick strike the ball back and forth.
Do not give the ball a couple of sets. Count the number of times that each team kick a ball before sunset. When a full partner in the team, bringing the number of times that it's all coming together as a team score.
2. muzzle Coon The personal play Players kick or dribble the ball by dribbling tricks in consecutive sets without the ball. The player must try to bounce the ball with finesse moves than harder and more beautiful than the competition.
3. ball through hoop or ball pass loop. Play as a team by hanging loop above the ground in the middle of the band. The player takes the ball to his strike. When taken through the loop, it will be scored based on the difficulty of the posture taken through the loop.
4. ball over the net The game is played by the two teams on opposite sides of the rectangular field sports like badminton. Racing takes over the net surfers to come. Try not to let your opponent get the ball. The rules are similar play badminton.
5. muzzle flag Bull Run or play a tournament run. It is run with the ball to bounce party. With parts of the body except the hands. From the starting line to the finish line.