Nearly everyone likes ice cream. Most children love it and will eat it every day. It is made from milk,cream,and sugar. It usually has fruit or other flavors such as chocolate,cofee,or some kind of nut.
Apart from all the different flavors,there are different kinds of ice cream. There are sorbet,gelato-which is an. Italian kind-and frozen yoghurt.
Ice cream is not a modern invention. In Chian,in about 200 BCE,a mixture of milk and rice was frozen. In 37-68 CE,the Roman Emperor Nero ate ice from the mountains with pieces of fruit on the top. And he also liked snow flavored with honey and nuts.
Nowadays we can buy ice cream in large cartons,in bars covered with chocolate,and between or on top of biscuits. We eat is as a dessert at the end of a meal or at any time of the day or evening.