carried out by workers at the same site, and have that person supervise the one in charge of the provisions of the items of paragraph (1) of Article 30 and other matters provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare at the said work site where the contracted work is executed. In this case, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the specified employer or any other employer.
Article 16. (Safety and Health Controller)
• (1) In the case of paragraph (1) or (3) of Article 15, a contractor who performs the said work himself/herself, other than the employer required to appoint the overall safety and health controller under these provisions shall appoint a safety and health controller and have the said person perform the liaison with the overall safety and health controller and other matters provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
• (2) A contractor who has appointed a safety and health controller under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall notify the employer (referred to in the same paragraph) of the fact without delay.
Article 17. (Safety Committee)
• (1) The employer shall establish a safety committee at each workplace ofthe scale and in the industries defined by Cabinet Order, in order to have it investigate and deliberate on the following matters and submit its opinion to the employer:
o (i) Matters pertaining to the basic measures for preventing dangers to workers
o (ii) Matters pertaining to safety among the causes of industrial accidents and countermeasures to prevent its recurrence