So greatly had the king's dream affected him that he was no longer sound of mind. As a result he succumbed to Khandahala's dreadful advice. He gave orders straightaway to prepare for a massive sacrifice outside the city walls. But Prince Canda soon divined the evil Brahmin's motives and grieved that so many should have to lose their lives on his account. He asked his father to forgo the sacrifice, not to save himself, for he was willing to die, but for the sake of the innocent victims. A great sadness hung over the city, and one by one those close to King Ekaraja came and told him that the Brahmin spoke falsely. His aged parents pleaded with him to put an end to the plans for this bloody ordeal. But the power of the Brahmin was such that the king paid no heed. His ministers, his son's wife, and even his little grandson begged that this appalling sacrifice not be carried out. Each time the king appeared to falter in his resolve, Khandahala rushed in to remind him that this was the only way to heaven. Wailing filled the city. Once the king weakened and released the hapless victims, only to call them back into custody under renewed pressure from the evil priest.