The results of this study indicate E. tetragonana and E. ustulana
have potential to be biological agents against R. ellipticus. Their
host ranges are narrow, restricted to a few closely related species
in the genus Rubus. Both leaf rollers occur widely at diverse habitats
in their native range, with high density in fall. With abundant
food resources, no natural predators, and a temperature range of
17–27 C, Hawaii is a good match for their native range (Western
Regional Climate Center, 2013), suggesting potential field
abundance once introduced and released.
The results of this study indicate E. tetragonana and E. ustulanahave potential to be biological agents against R. ellipticus. Theirhost ranges are narrow, restricted to a few closely related speciesin the genus Rubus. Both leaf rollers occur widely at diverse habitatsin their native range, with high density in fall. With abundantfood resources, no natural predators, and a temperature range of17–27 C, Hawaii is a good match for their native range (WesternRegional Climate Center, 2013), suggesting potential fieldabundance once introduced and released.
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