Research Tools
1. Organization of the questionnaire
The satisfaction scale for tourist satisfaction with Sun Moon Lake in this study was revised from the satisfaction scale of Kuo (2007), while the revisit intention scale for the intention to revisit Sun Moon Lake was revised from Hsich (2010). The items in the two scales were constructed using a Likert’s 5-point scale indicating degree of compliance: strongly agree, agree, ordinary, disagree, and strongly disagree, were given 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 points, respectively. The higher the score, the higher the satisfaction and revisit Intention. The procedure for the research is stated as follows.
2. Pre-test
After constructing the scale, 265 questionnaires were distributed for a pre-test. From the 251 returned, 21 invalid questionnaires were removed, leaving 230 effective (86.79%).
3. Item analyses
For a more rigorous analysis, the criterion of internal consistency and correlation analysis method were used. The CR value for each question in the Satisfaction Scale was less than .05, and all questions were retained. For the Revisit Intention Scale, except for one item whose CR value exceeded .05 and whose correlation value was less than .30 which was deleted, all questions were retained.
4. Validity analysis
Having item analyses and factor analyses with oblique rotation, each question in Satisfaction Scale presented the factor loading up to .30, while one question in Revisit Intention Scale appeared in two factors and was deleted. The eigenvalue of each factor exceeded 1, which met the requirements of factor analyses, and the explained variances were between 60.02 and 61.41, meaning the scale presented good validity.