The results in the form of concentrate
yield versus ether concentration are given in Fig. 1. It
can be seen that three ethers, that is di(ethylene glycol)
monohexyl C6E2, tri(ethylene glycol) monobutyl C4E3
and mono(ethylene glycol) monobutyl C4E1 follow a
similar pattern and form one family of lines. Figure 1
shows that the concentrate yield increases with
concentration expressed both in mmol/L and μg/g. The
maximum yield value of 20% is obtained for C6E2. For
di(ethylene glycol) monoethyl C2E2 and di(ethylene
glycol) monobutyl C4E2 ethers, the concentrate yield
remains almost constant and is equal to 10%. The results
indicate that all the ethers investigated in this work
improve the flotation up to a certain plateau level.