A firing neuron does not simply send a spark across to another neuron but rather sends a chemical
signal in the form of neurotransmitters that flow from the firing neuron across the synaptic gap to the
neurons to which it is connected. Using these signals, one neuron can either excite the neurons to
which it is connected, increasing their electrical activity, or inhibit the activity of the connected
neurons. Whereas a lightning flash is like a single trumpeter producing a loud sound with no intended
direction, the synaptic connections between neurons enable them to perform like a trained orchestra
with many coordinated musicians. Just as a band performance is a complex pattern of activity in a
group of musicians, a brain function is accomplished by patterns of coordinated firing activity in
interconnected neurons. The brain is not like a symphony orchestra that has a conductor to keep
everyone synchronized, but more like a bunch of jamming jazz musicians whose coordinated playing
emerges from their dynamic interactions.
A firing neuron does not simply send a spark across to another neuron but rather sends a chemicalsignal in the form of neurotransmitters that flow from the firing neuron across the synaptic gap to theneurons to which it is connected. Using these signals, one neuron can either excite the neurons towhich it is connected, increasing their electrical activity, or inhibit the activity of the connectedneurons. Whereas a lightning flash is like a single trumpeter producing a loud sound with no intendeddirection, the synaptic connections between neurons enable them to perform like a trained orchestrawith many coordinated musicians. Just as a band performance is a complex pattern of activity in agroup of musicians, a brain function is accomplished by patterns of coordinated firing activity ininterconnected neurons. The brain is not like a symphony orchestra that has a conductor to keepeveryone synchronized, but more like a bunch of jamming jazz musicians whose coordinated playingemerges from their dynamic interactions.
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