The Centre was later amalgamated with the National
Institute for Brain-Based Learning and renamed as the Institute
for Gifted and Innovative Learning (IGIL). The Institute sets up
development standards and models to develop, promote and support
the potential of gifted persons.
In line with Section 32 of the 2003 Ministry of
Education Bureaucratic Administration Act, a Ministerial Rule was
issued. Under the Ministerial Rule, a Board chaired by the Minister
of Education and joined by concerned agencies was appointed to be
responsible for the promotion of education for gifted persons.
It is expected that the Board, together with the
Institute for Gifted and Innovative Learning will be able to formulate
policies, deal with administrative work, provide financial support
and coordinate between the agencies concerned, to develop the
gifted persons, which in turn will be beneficial to the country in
the long run.
• Special Education for Disadvantaged Students
Several agencies are attempting to provide education
for those who are socially and/or culturally disadvantaged. These