You want either a good +2 summon helm or Geofri. Geofri ‘s pretty hard to beat so you probably just want to pick up one of those. If you go with Geofri make sure you have an empower in it, even if it is only lvl 1.
-You’d be a fool not to get a sidhebreath. It's full of stats that are excellent on the build. And they run 1-2c depending on how good they are.
-Unset rings are great in this build and typically cheap. Through spectre or vaal haste in them. TBH vaal haste is better but spectre is more fun.
-I don’t think boots of Ullr are worth it. You want high hp boots, between geofri and sidhebreath not giving much hp. Avoid Ullr other than for leveling.
-Mon'tregul's Grasp is bad. It has "increased damage" not more damage. This means your giving up a massive amount of zombie damage, and not allowing yourself to use a staff.
-If you can get a +3 staff, pick up 3 link/3 link armor also. Move you aura’s into the armor, your SRS into the staff.
-A 5l +2 fire staff is worth it only if you can pick it up for under 20c. This is the point where it makes sense to convert over to staves. I'd pay up to 30c for a +1 all +1 fire staff.
-Once you get a +1 all staff you want to pick up a lvl 3 empower next. Swap this in for splash on SRS.
-In terms of rares defense stats are by far the most important thing to look for. The only stat that helps your dps in any significant way is cast speed. Even this is fairly marginal. Defense Defense Defense.
- IIR: Not having to buy DPS stats on rares makes your gear typically very cheap (that's why we can do this build on 1ex). This makes IIR on gear very affordable.