Once upon a time the king and the queen of Kikeaw had one daughter. She was a very beautiful princess. They have lived in a luxurious castle.
18 years ago.
In castle
King: I’m the King of Kikeaw city.
Queen: I’m the queen of Kikeaw city.
Queen: I’m the beautiful princess of Kikeaw city.
King: Yesterday I visited England. I bought a bag for you. (Turn to the Princess) Here you are.
Queen: Thank you so much. (Happy)
Princess: Thank you dad,but I have many of these.
King: Don’t worry! We have a lot of money.
(King and Queen walk into the bedroom.)
Princess: I have plenty of money, but I was not happy. Everyone falls into materialism.
At the garden
Princess: (See the garden. Bore) Ah! I will escape to the outside. Is it good? Good!
Princess: Lalalalalalalalalala I'm very happy to be with nature.
(The man comes. Crash with Princess.)
Princess: Opps!
(They have eye contact. )
Princess: Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! Noooo!
The man: Oh! Sorry!............ Why are you here?
Princess: I do not like living in a luxurious palace. I want to indulge my love of nature.
The man: Would you like to go home with me? My home has a good atmosphere.
At the castle
King: Have you seen our child?
Queen: (Use the new phone.) No…. (She is discontented)She may walk around the garden.
King: Stop playing on your phone! Our child is lost and you still use the phone! NoNoNo! I will not buy anything for you. This is a cautionary tale of why you shouldn’t always indulge in every luxury.
Queen: No! Darling No! No ! No !
At Forest Village
King: Princess where are you?
Princess: I’m here.
King: What are you doing here?
Princess: You fall into materialism. You ignore me.All you care about are things!
Queen: I’m sorry. From now on, we will not be so materialistic. We will indulge appropriate.
If not, losing you would be a fateful mistake.