Thank you for your line Id and and Facebook. (: but I find your Facebook account I'm not sure about your name because 8 person use this name like you, Can you add me back? my Facebook is May Kritri'
Why not!! haha it's true, coconut milk with honey its weird taste. ok! I will say something like my friend
'Peter, you should try it!'
Haha How do I train arm reach? just try to touch the top of the door because it's high 200 cm (:
Amazing many places you have ever been to! so envy! I've ever been to China too when I was young but not Beijing or Shanghai. I visited Yunnan, its my dad hometown. I love there! I like living in a place with lots of natural features, such as forests, lakes and mountains.
I would like to know how about Germany, Greece and Holland when you visit there? I falling in love with Germany but I've never to. fantastic people and nice architecture. about Greece, are you visit Santorini? such a beautiful place! I really want to visit there, I will sure!!. I also would like to know about your country you living. oh I ask you a lot, sorry I'm just a curious girl. ><
Great to hear that about your opinion! I don't know how I say something to you just want to thank you for all you write to me, I read it again and again made me smile and would like to talk to you more than this. I never write long message like this before haha I guess I will be fluent in English soon (:
Can you reply my message on Facebook, it's convenience for you? if not just tell me