When preparing ternary mixtures, the binary methyl acetate
+ methanol was prepared first and then the vial crimped. Considering
the actual weighings, the mass of IL needed to achieve a
given IL content was calculated and gravimetrically injected
through septum into the vial. To avoid risk of leaks, the vial was
subsequently re-crimped with a new septum. All manipulations
associated with dispensing of ionic liquid (including weighing)
were carried out in a glove-box under dry and inert atmosphere
of nitrogen.
To achieve the equilibrium, each vial was thermostated and
intensively shaken for 90 min. Preliminary tests showed this time
to be sufficient for complete equilibration of systems studied in
this work. The equilibrated vial was pressurized to 135 kPa (gauge
pressure) for 2 min and then its headspace expanded into the GC
carrier for 0.04 min. Standard experimental uncertainty in GC responses
was estimated to u(Ai)/Ai = 0.01.