Recently we made the seemingly backward decision to move from our happy home in Bangkok, to live a new life in rural Thailand. We gave up our simple life in Bangkok’s CBD, to find an even simpler life in the rural regions of Northeast Thailand (Isaan). While this switch in lifestyle may appear a huge step to some, the decision for us was quite simple. For the past two years we’ve lived in Bangkok’s city centre, located in one of the most sought after and expensive areas of the metropolis. Every day we ate local, watched movies and played xbox. Not much more. This has been our daily life for a while now as the rat-race ran around us. So obviously we no longer made the most of our location and situation, so better sense was to try something new. Now we watch movies and play xbox in rural Thailand. So very little has changed for us other than backdrop of daily life, and in just two days I’ve found many benefits of living in rural Thailand. In honesty it’s a dream come true for me. I’m like a kid on Christmas. For Fanfan, not so much but she’s enjoying it more than expected. Anyway two days ago we packed some stuff, grabbed a hot shower from Tesco and moved to our new life in rural Thailand.