XXX MUSEUMOUTGOING LOAN AGREEMENT CONDITIONS1. Protection of Collection Item/sThe Borrower will, at all times, ensure that the collection item/s are treated with all due care to ensure protection against loss, damage or deterioration as outlined in sections five and seven of these loan conditions. Should loss, damage or deterioration occur, XXX Museum must be informed immediately and in detail.2. Period of LoanThe Borrower will collect and return the collection item/s to the XXX Museum within the dates specified under the heading ‘Period of Loan’ on page one of this agreement. Any extension of the loan period must be approved in writing by the XXX Museum.3. InsuranceUnless otherwise stated, the Borrower will insure the collection item/s for the amount specified under the heading/s ‘Valuation’ stated in this agreement from the time the collection item/s leave the XXX Museum until the collection item/s are returned to the XXX Museum under an all risk, wall to wall policy. Prior to the dispatch of the collection item/s theBorrower will, if requested, provide the XXX Museum with a Certificate of Insurance unless an alternative arrangement is made.4. Condition of Collection Item/sThe XXX Museum will prepare a condition report/s to accompany the collection item/s beingborrowed. The Borrower will complete the accompanying condition report/s upon the arrivaland unpacking of the collection item/s at each venue and immediately prior to the departureof the collection item/s from that venue