Nowadays, the traffic around the world has growth rate
rapidly from the growing volume of people who require higher
level of the transport safety. Rapid transit is one of the public
transport systems built for passenger facilities in an urban
area. Its performance is fast movement with high capacity and
frequency. Its systems are typically separated location that
may run in underground tunnels (subways), elevated above
street level (elevated transit line) or at street level. It is also
separated from other traffic such as mass transit because of its
operation on exclusive right-of-way, with no access for other
vehicles or pedestrians[1].Even it has many benefits in
transport for passengers; there are some situations represent
the wrong use of the rapid transit, including the use of it as a
suicide place. Suicide is a big problem that occurs in all rapid
transit system. On railway systems, it has been increasingly
represented in the literature [2].It committed by jumping in
front of an oncoming train. Suicide and trespass are major
problems for railway operators in Great Britain, leading to
around 250–300 fatalities per year[3].This problem causes
damage to life and property for victim and also results in