From the foregoing,
it is clear that lipid and protein oxidations are closely associated with deteriorative processes that can affect the entire
quality traits of meat and meat products.
A proportional rise in the levels of oxidative indicators for lipid (TBARS)
and protein (carbonyl groups) skeletal meat and meat products (liver pates) showed a significant
correlation association between muscles response to oxidative rancidity
and protein denaturation
In general, a multidisciplinary “meat lipid science network”
and utilisation of proteomic applications proposed by Mapiye et al. (2012)
and hold the potential of ameliorating lipid and protein oxidation in meat and meat products.
However, a strategic delivery of antioxidants from natural sources into muscle post-mortem
holds a more viable option of enriching meat with health-promotingbioactive compounds and preventing the tendency towards oxidative rancidity/deterioration in meat and meat products.