Children Growing Up Poor in Thailand
Why are some people poor and homeless, while others have so much money they literally
throw it away? Depending on who is asked, the reasons for the great inequality range from
illiteracy to corruption. Thailand has the widest gap between rich and poor and disparities continue to grow. The people
most affected by poverty are the future of this country, the children. “Young children are the
largest age group living in poverty today. Children are nearly twice as likely as adults to be
poor”( Papalia et al. 295).
The ability to read and write is a basic condition for social and personal growth. In my
opinion, education is essential to have success in life. When the main goal of life is purely
survival, often privileges such as education and opportunity are forgotten. Poor children perform
less well in school and are more likely to drop out of school. Often, the reason for dropping out
of school is to get a job to help with family expenses. Ironically, without an education even
getting a minimum wage job is impossible to obtain. Illiteracy is often the result of not getting
an education. Lack of education combined with inability to obtain work sometimes leads youth
to a life of crime.
Poverty is a trap seldom escaped. Every day children are born into and die in poverty,
and everyday more millions are added into the almost disgustingly fat pockets of men such as
Bill Gates. According to the National Center for Children Living In Poverty, “ The United “Theories focusing on the role of society in juvenile delinquency suggest that children
commit crimes in response to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status”( Streib).
From my own personal observance, I have seen underprivileged classmates fall into the
temptation of gangs and delinquency. They seemed to believe that the only way to get ahead was
to participate in illegal activities that would insure them the money they needed. It is a very sad
situation when a poor youth feels that the only way to get ahead in life is by turning to a life of
Poverty is a trap seldom escaped. Every day children are born into and die in poverty,
and everyday more millions are added into the almost disgustingly fat pockets of men .
who is going to help the poor children starving in Thailand streets everyday? The effects poverty has on children include poor health, ignorance, and crime.
I needs to speak for these children who cannot speak for themselves.