Mean levels of nutrients intake were calculated for both, women
with gestational hypertension and normotensive women. Kolmogrovesmirnov
test was used to test normal distribution of each variable. Student
t test and Mann-whitney U test were used to compare quantitative
variables between groups, and chi-square test for qualitative variables.
Residual model was used to adjust nutrients for energy intake [21].
Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine an association
of energy and nutrients intake with gestational hypertension. Age,
abortion, gravity, parity, pregnancy interval, prepregnancy BMI,
family history of hypertension and previous pregnancy hypertension
were included as covariates. All analysis was performed by using SPSS
version 11.5 (SPSS Inc, Chicago IL. Version11.5); pvalue less than 0.05
were considered as significant.