You ask if I was married and I was at one time but not any more but I have kids 3 are grown up and 1 is still in school I just see where things go from here you know gettng to know you would be nice after all I haven't had a asian girl for a friend or dated yet and that would be an nice things to do in this world how about you were you ever married? you ask about my plans first I just want to take care of my daughter let her finish school and be there for them (family) and always work and build me a house and never know might be that person for that special person in my life again not rushing but getting to know someone would be nice and I look forward to have a succesful life I learn alot from my mistakes and I think i mature but everyday is a life experience I try to make each day better than before and I sure like to have you as a friend to reach out j to for encouraging words or just to chat and never know where it well go I will say more but until next time take care and always be thinking of you (my special asian friend)