This study aimed to evaluate the potential of
Moringa oleifera fresh leaves (MOL) as feed supplement
on the performance and egg quality of Rhode Island Red
(RIR) hens under the tropical conditions of Yucatan, Mexico.
Forty-eight RIR hens were allocated in 12 floor pen
replicates each with four birds. Thereafter, the replicates
were divided into three groups which were corresponded
to ad libitum feed (control), ad libitum feed supplemented
with MOLT1 (AL + MOL) and restricted feed amount (20%
lower than control) with MOL T2 (RCD + MOL), respectively.
T1 (AL + MOL) had higher egg laying rate (71.4%
versus 66.6%), higher daily egg mass production (45.4
versus 41.9 g/day), lower feed intake (121.3 versus
127.5 g/day) and better feed conversion ratio (2.8 versus
3.2 g feed:g egg) versus control. T2 / (RCD + MOL) had
lower values of body weight, egg laying rate, egg weight
and egg mass, and recorded better feed conversion ratio than
the control group. The control group recorded a higher
percentage of pecked eggs versus T1 and T2 (6.5% versus
1.2% and 2.0 %). Similar intake of MOL (3.1 and 3.4 g DM/
day) was recorded in T1 (AL + MOL) and T2 (RCD +
MOL). Yolk color was improved significantly in T1 (AL +
MOL) than both control and T2 (RCD + MOL), while T2
(RCD + MOL) had eggs with lower yolk and higher albumen
percentages than the other two ad libitum groups. The results suggest that MOL could be used successfully as
sustainable tropical feed resource for RIR hens.
A complete, randomized design was used and the statistical
analysis was conducted using the General Linear Model
(GLM) procedure (SAS 2002). Duncan's multiple range
tests was used to compare between means wherever significant
differences were found. The model of analysis was as
follow: Yij 0 + Ti + Eij where 0 the overall mean, Ti 0
the effect of treatment and Eij 0 the random error.