This study examines three agriculture management practices with the aim of improving the environmental
performance of corn-derived products such as bioethanol. Corn production is energy intensive
and contributes to water quality degradation and global warming, thus affecting the environmental
impact of corn-derived ethanol. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is used to quantify and compare the environmental
impacts of three management strategies: tillage, fertilizer choices and the use of buffer strips
to sequester nutrients. Detailed energy, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus inventories are compiled to
represent corn production scenarios within the US Corn Belt. The LCA was developed using GREET 1.8
(Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation) and emission factors with
statistical analyses to estimate energy consumption, associated air emissions, and aqueous nutrient
runoff potentials. Results show that using manure fertilizers as opposed to synthetic fertilizers requires
less energy, however the use of manure generates more CH4, N2O, CO2 and results in more variable
concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from farmlands. No tillage emits less greenhouse
gas emissions, sequesters more soil organic carbon and slightly reduces nutrient runoff compared with
conventional tillage practices. Building buffer strips of certain widths is an efficient way to reduce N and
P discharge to surrounding waters with minimal effect on the energy or global warming profile. Based on
the results of the LCA studies, replacing conventional tillage with no till, and installing buffer strips can
improve environmental performances of corn derived ethanol.