For the first time in France, a hydrogen-based energy storage
System, the Greenery Box_ developed by HELION-AREVA, is
Being deployed in several French Public Buildings. The
Greenery Box_ is an integrated modular system that can
Offer a power from 50 to 500 kW with a storage capacity from
0.2 to 2 MW h. Coupled with Renewable Energy Source, such
Solution allows not only ensuring a partial building autonomy
From 45 to 85% but also providing the function of backup
System for several hours at high power.
The Greenery Box_ is a certified system that follows
The European Regulations and state-of-the-art related standards.
The safety measures of the complete hydrogen chain is
Recapitulated into several parts i.e. leak suppression and
Control, prevention of formation of flammable or over oxygenated
Atmospheres, suppression/reduction of ignition
Sources, protection against over pressures, emergency and
Safety shutdown and security of the installation.
The first Greenery Box_ is going to be installed in a Children’s
Leisure Centre. Despite the lack of regulation related to
The installation of hydrogen system in Public Building Regulation,
The implementation requirements were defined by
Analogy to cogeneration system in the Public Building Regulation.
An agreement by principle was given by Local and
National Fire Authorities before the final presentation to the
National Public Building Safety Commission.
The involvement of the Fire Authorities has been a key fact
Not only for the pre-validation of the Greenery Box_ installation
Within the Children’s Leisure Centre but also to develop
Further collaboration for the standard on-going French standard
NF M58-003 “Installation of hydrogen system”.
Communication of the project was made during a Public
Conference and through in a press report. No strict opposition
To the hydrogen chain installation projects was observed. The
Collaborative involvement of the Fire Authorities for such
Hydrogen innovative projects gives more credibility and
Reassurance to the public perception regarding the safety of
The project. Their involvement is then central not only for the
Permitting process from a safety point of view but also for
Hydrogen public acceptance.