The main findings can be concluded with some main points. First, both education and
training for owner/managers are the key factors to business success. However, in some
sectors, the educational background of their leader is more important than others,
whereas training for owner/managers is equally important for all sectors. Training can
provide specific knowledge and skills to match with the objectives of the firm. Second,
physical resources with high-technology capacity of the firm can improve productivity
and provide better quality of products and services
Physical resources with sophisticated technology significantly influence the growth of the firm and contribute
to competitive advantage because it leads to cost reduction or success in
differentiation. Third, reputation through investment in marketing and advertising
can boost sales. Marketing strategy innovates products and services and satisfies the
needs and wants of major customers. Advertising is also the best way to introduce the
products and services and thus investment in advertising is needed so as to maintain
the rates of sales. Lastly, business finance positively impacts business success