Yule Celebrating the birth of Jesus that we celebrate on December 25, the word "Christmas" is a transliteration in English Christmas comes from the ancient English Christes Maesse which means "mass worship of Jesus Christ." The word "Christes Maesse" first found in ancient documents in English in 1038 and this was a change that. Christmas in Thailand, "Christmas" has the meaning as the word "Hamas" means "month" is Christmas. A month in which we remember Jesus Christ, especially the word "Hamas" is "moon" is interpreted in Thailand is Jesus the Light of the world. Like the moon The light at night Merry Merry X'mas word in Old English. Means "serenity and peace of mind, this is a compliment to the others. Let him be peace and tranquility of mind. Take place in local traditions. Application to the religion By providing a memorial to celebrate. The creation of Jesus Which he regarded as the greatest king of the Worlds. Honored this tradition of excellence has come from Rome in the fourth century and gradually spread to every continent.