In the classroom at the beginning of the week, the strange murders
event was the hot topic.
Sunday morning, every news company came out with what was a
veritable festival of articles about the continuous strange murders
event in an attempt to compensate for having been out-scooped by the
2nd ranked domestic news site. That their conduct was rather manic,
or rather their screws were loose, to the extent that they were trying to
make it up to their disappointed subscribers, one could say it was an
act of gratitude.
However, because of that, the news quickly spread like wildfire. —
But, the main point especially emphasized the occult aspect, agitating
the sensation.
"Morning~. Hey, hey, Tatsuya-kun, did you see yesterday’s news?"
However, the only people who understood that they are being agitated,
but still dared to take advantage of that, were probably people around
Tatsuya’s age. As usual, definitely without being led, the friend who
would seem likely to dance upfront was the very first voice that called
"News, you mean about the 'vampire'?"
Even though it was obvious, he was just trying to make sure that this
was the general etiquette. Then Erika, as he thought, nodded happily.
"About that, it’s after all impossible that it would be done by a single
criminal, right? Is it a professional organized crime? My vote is that it
is an illegal organization dealing in organs and blood."
Before Tatsuya sat in his chair, she lightly sat on his desk and twisted
around and brought her face closer.
At this time, Tatsuya thought 'It's really insignificant, but that body is
flexible' which was a really insignificant thing to be thinking about, so
he put on a serious look on his face and shook his head.
"If that’s the case, then I don’t understand why only ten percent of
blood was extracted."
So as not to cause trouble in vain to the world, it was certain that the
authorities wanted to conceal it, but the fact that the victims lost about
ten percent of blood had spread to the society along with, stirring up
the complaint of the "Vampire event".
"Wasn’t there an intention of killing? Didn’t they think possibly to use
the blood for a blood factory if using it efficiently?"
"If it’s the case, then they would not leave the corpses in the town.
Besides, it is a mystery that there was no mark that blood was
extracted, either."
In the articles, "After extracting blood with a needle, they erased the
traces by magic"; although they also assumed magicians were
involved, it was impossible to erase the injection mark permanently
with a single use of healing magic.
"Hmm, I see… It’s certainly strange that there is no scar."
"As said on TV, is it a homicide by occult means?"
Furrowing her eyebrows from the seat nearby, rather with a somehow
nervous expression, Mizuki joined to the conversation.
"Occult means, huh… If there’s really such thing as vampires, then it’s
likely to be known long ago."
Modern Magic, in the process of systematization theory, was
welcomed by those who conveyed Ancient Magic from the other side
of the legendary veil. If the hobgoblins or the like with substance
really existed, their existence should have been disclosed along with
that of the "wizards". Tatsuya had at least thought so.