Weldon shrugged and lit a ten dollar bill, holding it up in front of his face. "Money is nice, but it can't buy everything. Everything we need? I don't know about that. As for science, even if we knew everything about the universe and had complete control over our physical environment, we still wouldn't know the reason for our existence, why we are here. A minor point, perhaps, but maybe not. God?" Weldon paused to light another bill, a twenty this time. "If there's no afterlife, there doesn't seem to be much reason in believing in Him or Her, does there? If when you're dead, you're just dead, what's the point? I don't care about surviving throughout eternity anyway, it almost seems like a kind of blackmail. I'd rather have something to believe in that deals with the here and now, because it's all I know for sure, or think I know. Death can take care of itself.