Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) guidelines often
received more attention than ISLLC standards in the early days due in large
part to the focus of professional preparation programs overseen by NCATE
on maintaining accreditation. It is still not unusual to hear ELCC on the
lips of an educational leadership professor a bit more than ISLLC as the
day-to-day drudgery of authoring spa reports buries the origins and
complexities of the creation process. Over time, as states adopted ISLLC
standards and universities remained primarily concerned with ELCC guidelines (National Policy Board For Educational Administration, 2002), a
number of professors began to complain about the knowledge burden placed
on students. In response, the NPBEA moved to incorporate ISLLC standards
within the framework of ELCC guidelines producing the ELCC standards.
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The legacy of a system with many parents, however, is that the many
certifying agencies, primarily states, have systems centered on ISLLC
standards, most preparation programs focus on the now combined ELCC
standards, and the NPBEA struggles to reconcile the two through the
actions of CCSSO. The Council for Chief State School Officers (2006)
recently formed the Interstate Consortium on School Leadership (ICSL) to
help reconcile state policies for those highly qualified with respect to the
ISLLC and ELCC standards. These efforts include creating an inclusive
process for updating the ISLLC and ELCC standards.